Monday, June 22, 2009

pay to click sites

...or "ptc" as what it's called. you click, the site pays. it's as simple as that. before, i thought it was a lame idea that one just click all day. but, with this recession, anything will do just fine as long as it pays. "pay-to-click" sites are everywhere. i guess there are more than a hundred of them. however, 90% of them are scam. so, please be careful on how you approach this financial tool. i call it financial tool because it really, does pay. but not on how you think it does: clicking. clicking or viewing ads all day is cheap compared to putting up a banner and asking people to sign up for a program. yes, it's like selling and it's called referrals: just like in the networking scheme.

you just have to sign up, login, put your banner onto some sites/blog you have and wait for people to click on them and hope for them to sign up. now, there's another something lame. but, if you think about it, it pays better than clicking. and you wont have to stay all day infront of the pc to click. you can just sit back and relax. however, putting more effort into anything gives better results and this is no exception. if you wanna find out more about "pay-to-clicks" then let us learn them together. i put up another blog for it because putting banners here will mess up my adwords account. visit and find.

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