Creating a résumé is a tedious job to most. It's hard, time consuming and might even be the cause for rejection-if you don't know what you're doing. Fortunately, there are AI tools out there that created to assist, us humans, in generating résumé. It save's time, effort and you get higher chance of being hired.
But what if you're transitioning to an entirely different role? You don't have experience, no educational background to back it up. and no portfolio to show. What do you do? You come up with something creative. You come up with some that has never been done before. And, just wow them... or at least try.
I was messaged in LinkedIn for a position that I was eyeing for in years. The HR guy reached out and we scheduled a call interview. We talked for more than half an hour and I was enlightened that my résumé is lack-luster. I was highly considered but the résumé is not at par because I have no job experience on AI, the certifications we're not included, and I don't have any portfolio to show.
So I got creative.
I collaborated with ChatGPT in creating a project proposal fit for the position. If photographers use portfolio to showcase their shot and musicians use recordings to demo their song, it's only fitting in my opinion to generate a document such as a project proposal to exhibit my prowess in prompt engineering.
Everything's submitted. Now let's see what will happen.