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Showing posts from June, 2014

52 week money challenge: select a week version

I'm guessing you already read  52 week money challenge and it's reversed version . Now comes another version since I don't have the patience to be steady(except when driving). I call it: Select-A-Week version How it works? Just choose the amount depending on what you have and what's highest amount that week Set aside the amount Cross out the week Wait for another week Repeat. Let's take the chart below as an example If this week, you were able to save Php300, then cross out the 7/25/2014. So, you don't have to just set aside Php50.00. The bigger you set aside, the easier it will be to save in the future. The following week, you were able to save Php1000.00 then cross out 10/31/2014. Now, you have Php300.00 and Php1000.00 crossed out. Let's say you save another Php300.00 the following week, since you already crossed the Php300.00, you'll just have to cross out Php250.00. That leaves you extra Php50.00, which you can also cross o...

how to add location in google maps

We were able to add a map to a blog with the article how to add map to blog . But what if you dont see any marker for your location. Then, we create it. Follow the steps below in adding a pin or marker to google maps. open sign in click "Add new" zoom in to the location click on the location select a category add a name fill in the form click on "Save" button To confirm, search google maps *pics to follow

reversed 52 week money challenge

It's highly suggested that you read 52 Week Money Challenge first before proceeding with the article. If you are still reading then I'll assume you know most about it already. Let's continue... So you can wait for one year? Very good. And you think that you'll have continuous income for a year? Even better. You can afford to set aside Php2,600.00? Cool! You think that the challenge will not work for you?(for some reason) Then try this one for size Start from the biggest amount and work your way in reverse. So, if you are using Php50.00 for your start week, then you start with Php2,600.00. e.g. as follows 1st week - Php2,600.00 2nd week - Php2,550.00 3rd week - Php2,500.00 4th week - Php2,450.00 etc... etc... Hence, it's call Reversed 52 Week Money Challenge. Since it's the same challenge, but in reverse. What is so different about it? I just feel that I won't finish the challenge with the normal way of doing it. I felt tha...

how to add map on blogs

Im working on another blog of a friend about her restaurant  and found a need to put a map So, I went to Google for assistance. Lo and behold, it assisted. Now, let me share to you how it goes.(pics to follow) open search for the location click the gear at the bottom right corner click "Share and embed map" click "Embed map" tab choose the size copy the html code paste it to you blog

i start to save

In line with my previous post entitled saving money weekly , I start to save. I want to prove that I can do what I preach. So, I got myself an another account aside from the payroll where the funds will be coming from Nothing special... just a regular saving account from a local bank. Happy Saving!

saving money weekly

I came across a an idea called 52 Week Money Challenge. Let me share to you how it works. The idea is to save Php62,900.00 in 52 weeks(one year) and we start with only Php50.00. What is it? From the label 52 Week Money Challenge, it's a Challenge. It's about saving Money. It runs for 52 weeks (1 year). In a nutshell, you religiously save an increasing amount for the whole year. How do you do it? For the first week, you save Php50.00. On the second week, you save the same amount as last week, which is Php50.00 - plus additional Php50.00. That's Php100.00 On the third week, you save the same amount as last week, which is Php100.00 - Plus additional Php50.00. That's Php150.00 On the fourth week, you save the same amount as last week, which is Php150.00 - Plus additional Php50.00. That's Php200.00 You repeat the cycle for one year or 52 weeks. Enjoy your money. Minimum Requirements: Make sure you can wait for one year You have an income for at leas...

making sophia's logo

i have a friend who has a cafe, but doesn't have a logo, yet. so i took the liberty of creating one. and here is how it went... what i created... they asked for a powder blue or pink... it was a little heavy, they asked something lighter... it's ok. but see another color. let's go vintage brown...  a little pale. let's do pink. and lose the ornament while you're at it... too thick for pink. let's lighten it up with baby pink...   a little more, please... let's call it a day and do it some other time. lols!